Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A beautiful tamil poem

This is a beautiful poem I got via foward emails. It says how a beautiful college friendship, some times turns sour in the current world.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Google Mania

Lot has been written on this internet giant to an extent any new articles would be redundant; even then I want to write about it.

Although search on the internet has been in for a long time, Google has redefined search to an extent that the dictionaries have coined Google (Googling) as a new word which means searching for data over the internet.

The interesting thing about Google is that they had entered the market with a very strong technology. They had built the business over their technology. And they move forward in business through innovation.

The interesting thing about the Google is that the enter market where big players are there and sneak in with some new concepts which move the crowd towards them. For example when hotmail was giving 2MB of mail storage, gmail introduced 100 times bigger storage space. Similarly the Google Talk has making it’s presence in the Messenger community.

Google stress on simplicity loaded with features. Accomplish the core things properly. Google Talk for instance has a superb voice quality. Few think that as the users increase the quality might come down.
Google is making its presence everywhere; Microsoft, Yahoo and other internet giants are feeling the noose tightening around the neck. Microsoft has for instance has invested a lot of money recently to come up a new search engine to compete with Google.

Another notable thing about Google is that they load their products with features for all segments of users. A novice/non technical can start using the tools with out any trouble, an experience/technical can explore more to find the various features that are been provided.
These are few points that came across Google; you can enumerate hundreds of good points for all its product.

Google is a phenomenon today.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Sherlock Holmes

Everyone know it's a detective story, so do I :) I had very faint I idea about this book. I picked up while I was browsing for a book to read in leisure.
Unfortunately I lent this book to a neighbor few months back and got it back recently. I started reading yesterday the few pages I read earlier. I could recollect the story partially, but to kept reading from where I started to keep the flow.
The good thing about this book would be the uncanny methods sherlock would employ to solve the mystery and the rich use of vocabulary. Frequent visit to the dictionary was unavoidable

Monday, May 15, 2006

Created a separate blog for Photo's

I felt its a better not to mix up my thought's (actually blabber) and my photo's so I had created a separate blog for posting my pictures.

A casual shot

This was a casual shot i took last a week back at my office campus at Mysore. The picture was pretty good :D Posted by Picasa

A picture through the window

This picture was taken through my bedroom window Posted by Picasa

Super Star

An intersting picture got via email. You dont often find this guy attending functions. If he does you dont find him what's he is doing on the picture Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sun set

This was a shot I took infront of Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel, Mysore.
This was my first sun set photo. The ISO 800 has some grains. If you note you could see a lot of grains in them

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Shiny new digital camera

Finally got hold of a decent digital camera, Canon PowerShot A700.
I'm a novice user, still I was able to take some good pictures. My comment about the camera is it has all the features for someone who wanted to learn photography.