Saturday, September 09, 2006

Basketball Tournament

The wonderful Infosys Mysore campus hosted an intra DC basketball tournament in the late August. There was 10 teams in two pools. Since Mysore is predominantly a Training center there was 7 trainee batch and 3 development center team. I was playing for one of the development center (black). It was nice to be part of the team. There was a 150+US batch being trained in Mysore. So most of the trainee batch was populated with US players. The trainee team was really strong. Our team played well. We managed 2 wins out of 4. One was with development center and another with a Trainee batch. We came third in the pool so were didn't go further in the tournament. But the great thing about the tournament, it helped in networking a lot of new friends. Had some good time during the games and was lot of fun. The only unfortunate thing that happend was that I twisted my left ankle :( Thankfully the injury wasn't worse.


Ramprasad said...

Good that you are continuing the b'ball even there. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

It's the nth time u have twisted ur ankle , It's high time that u learn how to run on a basketball court.