Saturday, September 09, 2006

When will I get hold anyone of these

I have been reading a lot about photography, cameras in particular. I'm looking for a DSLR.
A Nikon D50 Nikon D70s or the latest D80 is what I eye for. Though D50 would sit in my budget I have apprehension of spending on them right now. I have mixed feeling should I make a huge investment for hobby at this point of time. I have been spending an hour(s) reading about each camera, lens and comparing with the other models. My friend started feeling that I had gone mad about these cameras lately. When ever he peeps in to my cabin he always sees me reading some article about these wonderful equipment.

Let see what how things turn out and what/when I get hold of them :)


Unknown said...

ACtually u shud make a move to paris or somewhere ,and photograph some models there ,u will u photograph in India.

Unknown said...

Now u will say u r not a fashion photograher ,It is just that u r crazy about photographing insects up close in ,then I would recommend u make a move to the amazon , because I dont think here in india U will find insects to ur liking.